Preparing my family for the days of awe ... this time is not just about apples and honey
and sweetness, but digging deeper, finding that AWE. I want to
help my children find that connection too. Rosh Hashanah is one of my favorite holidays (ok, pretty much any holiday is my favorite for one reason or another!), filled with
baking, sweets, beautiful sermons, and deep spirituality. When we shifted from
adult services to the family services once Kalev was mobile and too loud
for us to comfortably sit in the synagogue, I felt very disconnected and sad
that I wasn’t finding that intense spirituality that I often associated with
Rosh Hashanah. This was the time of year that I always chose to do my new
year’s resolutions, a time when I actually had time to think and feel and discover
what is important to me and what I want to change for the next year. I want to grasp that feeling now and help communicate it with my son (and daughter as she grows up). What are some ways that a family
can take this deeper step? I've been struggling with finding books and activities, any resources that go beyond the basic apples and honey schtick that are suitable for a preschooler. Where's the awe here?
Apples Apple Apples!
Even though I've been trying to find ways to go DEEP, I knew we still had to cover the basics this year. You have to have lots of apples on Rosh Hashanah and this
year was the first year we schlepped to Apple Hill to pick our own apples for
the holiday. It was so much fun! We were really worried that we wouldn’t be
able to go because Apple Hill is so close to the awful King Fire. It was hazy
and you could smell the fire in the air but it was still a really lovely and
fun time for everyone. We picked apples at two different orchards, tried some
tasty apple treats (the apple donut from Rainbow Orchards was our favorite but
the Apple Pie Sundae from Denver Dan’s was really good too. And the apple cider
pop was refreshing as well … hmm this is making me hungry again!), took home
some cider and let the kids run around orchards and hay bales. We met another
Jewish family at Denver Dan’s who have been coming to Apple Hill for Rosh
Hashanah apple picking for years. It was neat to see how their older sons knew
exactly which apple trees to try first—a glimpse into our apple picking future
I think! I was worried Aviella would be bored, but she loved wandering around
the orchards and picnic areas and even snatched an apple from the bucket and bit into it! I traded that choke-worry apple for an apple cider pop and she
was in heaven. We stopped for a couple picnics and even brought out the Rosh
Hashanah books so we could read stories as we ate our apple treats. One of the
books was even about apple picking and making applesauce—pretty applicable! We all had a great time and I loved how Kalev looked at the apples when we
got home and said “Those are the apples we picked! Can we go next year?” Yes, a
tradition has been born!
What To Do With All These Apples?
During our Apple Hill adventure, I explained how we were going to make applesauce (recipe here) and honey cake (recipe
here) to give to his teachers, sharing sweet wishes for the new year. Kalev
absolutely loves his teachers so he talked about being able to do that while we did the picking. He was also supposed to be my cooking helper. But when it came down to it he wasn’t really that interested and would rather play with his cars. He did sniff appreciatively and comment how good the house smelled.
But he thought the applesauce was too hot to help stir and mash. Maybe next
year! He also enjoyed coloring the super quick and easy apple cards we made. I'm pretty sure he
gets the whole apple and Rosh Hashanah connection. He also loves the Fountainheads "Dip your apple" song so he's been singing that the last couple days. Music can often be the best teacher! Kalev was so excited to
give the gifts to his teachers at school this morning (“Teacher Kathleen gets
the pink bag because she loves pink!”) so I think he also understands the fun
and joy of giving others sweet treats to bring in a sweet new year for his
friends. But I still wanted MORE. I
wanted to include something that is more than just sweetness, because the holiday
itself is sweet, but very introspective. Deep thoughts are supposed to happen during this time. What do we regret? What are we sorry
for? What do we want to change for next year? So I came up with another little
idea that he actually really caught onto, yay!
Apparently Teacher Kathleen and I have the same obsession with talenti. It's the best. And the best containers. So it's like I have to keep buying more so I can use the containers ... right? ;-)
Saying I’m Sorry With Crayons
I quickly put together a little coloring book that explains,
super briefly, what Rosh Hashanah is and leaves room for Kalev to think of his
own answers to the question “What are you sorry for this past year?” And there’s
lots of room for coloring because this kid has been on a coloring kick ever
since we moved to the new house. I read the book to him and we talked about
what being sorry means and I wrote down his answers.
Most of them are about things that happened yesterday but hey, got to squeeze
in whatever regrets you can before the deadline ;-) The plan is to take the
book to Tashlich tomorrow and read it again before he tosses his “regrets” into
the pond. We’ll see how that goes! He is very excited about the ducks going after his pieces of bread. This little activity helped me feel like I started to scratch below the surface of just apples and honey and get into some stickier (pun intended) stuff. Saying your sorry and thinking about your regrets is really hard, for a preschooler or an adult. So I'm glad we did this and I think it helped him think of the holiday in this way as well as just eating sweet treats and singing fun songs.
How cute are his drawings?! There's a skid steer in there with a scoop on the first page. I think it's scooping up the apple.
But …